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Email Lists and Newsletter

envelopeHere are the various electronic offerings I make available. Feel free to join any or all of this lists.

QD Info Blog

The QDInfo Blog email list will send you my blog updates as they are posted. I blog primarily about technology with a focus on iPhones and iPads, all things Mac, social media and web service. You can easily sign up for this one by filling in the form in the sidebar on the right.

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General Interest

The QDInfo General Interest email list contains general announcements, special offers, information on classes I have scheduled (before they are announced elsewhere), speaking engagements, and other general information.

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QD Info Newsletter

The QD Info Newsletter features general announcements as well as information on the four topics I cover; iOS, Mac OS X, social media, and web services.

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Oregon Wine Industry and Social Media

The QDInfo  Oregon Winery and Social Media email list features general announcements as well as information and data related to the Oregon wine industry and its use of social media.

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Learning is a life long activity. You should learn something new everyday. What did you learn today?


Play is important to productivity. If you don't play you never give your mind a chance to relax and subconsciously make the connections that lead to brilliant ideas.


The greatest thoughts and ideas in the world are meaningless if you don't do something with them. Doing something with your thoughts and ideas is vital
  • About Me

    I provide training for iOS (iPhones and iPads) and Mac OS X. I also help small businesses with their social media needs and blog about all of these. Read More
  • Twylah