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Oregon Wine Industry and Social Media

wineIf you would like to receive the QDInfo Oregon Winery and Social Media email list please sign up below. This is different from the blog sign-up in the sidebar on the right. This features general announcements as well as information and data related to the Oregon wine industry and its use of social media. I have written software and have a database to keep track of the various wineries and vineyards and watch their social media efforts to better understand the social media efforts of the wine industry here in Oregon.


Wine and Social Media in Oregon Fun Facts

As of June 21, 2013 based on 522 wineries and vineyards

  • 10% of wineries and vineyards located in Oregon do not have a website
  • 60% are on Facebook but only 37% list it on their home page (some of these are unclaimed place pages)
  • 37% have a Twitter account and 22% list it on their home page
  • 8% list another social network (Pinterest, YouTube, Flickr, etc.) listed on their home page
  • 18% publish a blog or rss feed

Feel free to contact me for pricing of more detailed information on how wineries and vineyards in Oregon use social media. I  offer custom reports as well.

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  • About Me

    I provide training for iOS (iPhones and iPads) and Mac OS X. I also help small businesses with their social media needs and blog about all of these. Read More
  • Twylah