I wanted to share how my tag line; learn, play, do, came about and why I use it. In my recent rebranding, I wanted a tagline that fit what I was doing; teaching people and small to medium-sized businesses how to get the most out of technology, specifically iPhone and iPads as well as Mac OS X and social media. Part of my teaching philosophy is that different people learn in different ways. Some are visual learners, others respond better receiving information by listening (auditory). I am a kinesthetic learner (learning while doing a physical activity). While this theory isn’t as accepted as it once was and there is some evidence teaching to a so-called style is not helpful. I know that for me personally, grade school was a challenge even though I did well because I think best and absorb information more readily if I am moving. As an adult, I often pace when thinking or talking through a subject I’m trying to come to grips with or when having an engaging conversation on the phone, so I believe there is some truth in the theory
However, it is well established that people learn best when there is a mix of methods used to present the material and when opportunity is given for those learning to try the skills they have just been taught. This is how I run the classes I teach; there is time not only for lecture but also to practice what has just been taught.
So the learn part takes places in the form of training and instruction, the play part is the real hands on learning of the concepts the student just learned and finally do is taking that knowledge and hands on training back into their every day routine and using it to accomplish more or to do it more efficiently. My students know they always contact me to refresh what they’ve learned and that I am glad to help them apply their knowledge to their every day lives.
A very special thanks to my wife for coming up with the actual tagline. She always serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement.